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The types of documents depend on the Autonomous Community.

There are nine types of documents. To see the reports offered by your autonomous community click here.

  • It is a document that is generated in real-time, upon request by a professional or a citizen, based on clinical content previously stored in the Electronic Health Record systems of the Health Service.
  • Each Autonomous Community, with the data it stores, produces a copy of the Summary Clinical History (HCR).
  • It contains the data considered most relevant for unscheduled health care.

  • Citizens with an active Individual Health Card (Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual, TSI) in any Health Service or who have had a TSI previously.
  • Authorized Healthcare Professionals.

  • Access to HCDSNS for citizens requires the use of an electronic ID card, an electronic certificate issued by a trusted certification authority, or agreed-upon passwords such as Cl@ve, obtained under security criteria.
  • In the case of healthcare professionals, access also requires authentication through an electronic certificate, and the access is restricted exclusively for healthcare purposes.
  • Each citizen has the possibility to selectively hide clinical reports they do not wish to be accessible to healthcare professionals through HCDSNS. In this case, professionals will be able to know that the citizen has decided to hide certain information.
  • All accesses made are recorded and can be subject to auditing.
  • Each citizen can be aware of the accesses made to the information available in their HCDSNS and can file a complaint in case of accesses they consider unjustified.

  • The storage of your clinical information is carried out in the autonomous Health Services of the National Health System (SNS). The Ministry of Health does not keep clinical reports.

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