Questions and answers for professionals

Healthcare professionals must access through the Electronic Health Record application used in their Autonomous Community. In addition, they must be authorized by the corresponding regional health authority and have a secure digital identification system (such as electronic ID card, electronic certificate, or similar).

  • As a healthcare professional, my access is restricted solely to healthcare purposes.
  • If I am not the primary healthcare provider for a patient, I should only access the HCDSNS when the patient seeks assistance and needs me to have access to their clinical information.

  • By using the access link, button, etc. provided by the Electronic Health Record applications of my Health Service.
  • After requesting access, I must authenticate my identity by using the device (professional card, electronic ID card, etc.) that contains the Digital Certificate and providing the associated password.
  • After logging in, I must enter the patient identification data. First, the index page with all the available documents will appear. Next, I should search for the information I need.

  • It is an exceptional mode of access for healthcare professionals that allows them to view reports that the patient has hidden.
  • When accessing the HCDSNS of a patient who has hidden information, you will be notified of it (without specifying the type of information).
  • If I decide to activate emergency access, the contents, including the documents that may have been hidden, will become accessible.

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