Hospital Discharge Records in the National Health System. CMBD
Data and basic statistics
: Free access to the tool of making of requests for data and basic CMBD Hospitalization statistics and Specialized Out-Patient Care of the hospitals of the National Health System. (In Spanish)
Advanced indicators i-CMDB
: Access to the tool for the consult of indicators for the analysis of hospitalization, based on the CMBD. The information, covering the years 2001-2009, includes various indicators families: attendance, completion rates, mortality, complications, among others, with different axes of analysis (descriptive, time series, best results, etc), for the different classification variables and / or filter of the CMBD (geographic, demographic, clinical, episode-based). (In Spanish)
Annual statistical results
State Regulation: Set of data and indicators which define the operation of the hospitals of the National Health System in relation to the episodes of hospitalization, after being classified by the Groups of Related Diagnosis - GRD.
- CMBD Reports: Statistical reference of GRD. Years 2009 and 2010.
Weights of the GRD in the NHS: Each GRD is associated with a relative weight which represents the foreseeable cost for this kind of patients with regard to the average cost of all the patients of hospitalization.
Related documents
Analysis of the cost accounting systems in the NHS hospitals. 2011. Vol. I. Report
Vol II. Appendix
(In Spanish). (Released February 22nd, 2012)
Hospitalization in the National Health System.CMDB Hospital discharges, 2010.
Report. (In Spanish) (Released January 31st, 2012)
Methodology of analysis for the hospitalization in the National Health System
(In Spanish). (Released October 13th, 2008)
Analysis and development of the Groups of Related Diagnosis in the National Health System
(In Spanish) (Released July 31st, 2007)
CMDB commented statistics:
Morbidity load and care process for cardiovascular diseases in the hospitals of the NHS. 2009
(In Spanish) (Released December 5th, 2011)
Hip fracture care in NHS hospitals
(In Spanish) (Released September 7th, 2010)