Technical Congress on ICD 10
Technical Congress on ICD 10
Organized by the Health Information Institute of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy and held the 15 and 16 of September 2009 in the Pitaluga Asembly Hall of the National Health School, Sinesio Delgado St., 8. 28009 Madrid. Accredited by the Ministry of Health and Social Policy.
1. Description of the main and differential features of the ICD 10 in relation to the ICD 9.
2. Exposing of the Irish and Canadian experiences on the implementation of the ICD 10.
3. Introduction to the management for the formation of encoders as well as the development of encoding tools.
Related documents:
- Conceptual introduction: Differences and improvements ICD 10 CM vs ICD 9 CM for the classification of diseases. Dr Arturo Romero Gutiérrez
- Irish experience: Implementation process of the ICD 10 in clinical encoding. Developed tools for training and help in encoding matters. Dr Deirdre Murphy.
- Canadian experience: Implementation process of the ICD 10. Description of the ICD 10-PCS for the classification of procedures. Dr Marc Berlinguet.
Conclusions about the
Technical Congress
. María Rovira Barberá.