Compromiso contra la corrupción del Ministerio de Sanidad: Declaración Institucional
On April 26, 2024, the Observatory against Fraud and Health Corruption was created by Ministerial Order within the Ministry of Health, through which it is intended to holistically address the improvement of public health management, avoiding irregular practices.
In order to incorporate an integrity policy in the field of public health that has strong prevention mechanisms against health corruption, it is considered a priority to collaborate and actively participate in the Integrity System of the General State Administration (SIAGE) developed by the State Secretariat of Public Function.
Thus, for the coordination and promotion of these actions and mechanisms from an innovative perspective, it is key to have a body to which the monitoring and proposal of actions in this integrity strategy is specifically entrusted. That is why the Observatory was created, a totally pioneering initiative in the countries around us, but in turn framed in the principles of the Integrity System, namely:
- Holistic and coherent nature in its objective and subjective areas of application.
- It covers the entire life cycle, which includes diagnosis, involvement of all stakeholders, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, since, due to its fundamentally preventive nature.
- Oriented to continuous, efficient and sustainable improvement.
- Shared through consultation, participation, training and awareness mechanisms.
- With a vocation for transparency.
The Observatory against health fraud and corruption will act in the following areas: Prevention, Alert System and Collaborations.
It is composed of:
- Presidency: the holder of the Ministry of Health.
- Members
- The holder of the Ministry of Health.
- The holder of the Undersecretariat of Health.
- The Director of the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS).
- The Director of the National Institute of Health Management (INGESA).
- The holder of the Directorate General of Common Portfolio of Services of the NHS and Pharmacy.
- The holder of the Subdirectorate General of Cohesion and High Inspection of the NHS.
- Secretariat: the holder of the General Technical Secretariat.
On September 23, the Plenary of the Observatory approved its Strategic Plan, focused on three axes: prevention, alerts, and communication and collaboration